Intelligent Sensory Programme

The four main parts of Intelligent sensory course
➙Main sensory integration training
➙Minor sensory integration training
➙Intelligent language flash cards programme
➙Picture book education
Main in sensory integration training
The main training point is to train children’s spine. Spine is the second lifeline of our human body. It not only dominates the balanced development of the left and the right brain but also controls the daily activities and the health of body. The nervous system will not be able to expand without the healthy spinal development. The messages of large and small joints must be transmitted to the brain via the central nervous system. The faster the transmission is, the faster the reaction will be. Children’s body intelligence can be evaluated by their spinal development progress. The guiding principle of a talented person is not only in knowledge education. It also includes ➙ interpersonal skills ➙ verbal communication, ➙ creativity thinking ability ➙ reaction body intelligence shown ➙ observation and evaluation ability.
Fine motor skill ➙ small joints activities
Hand and eye coordination training
This is the training of fine motor skills and it practiseschildren’s stability of visual focus and the control of finger tips. Besides, it enhances children’s wrist joints and the small joints of fingers while having the activities. Therefore, the minor sensory integration training is the foundation of bilateral coordination development.
Thumb stability training
Fingers are long or short and they have different functions. The thumb and the index finger are used for most activities. Unfortunately, children’s body movement declines and they are not able to use their hands properly due to the improvement of life quality and technology in the new era. The stability training for thumb and fingers is the main purpose of Intelligent minor sensory Integration training. By holding or operating objects with fingers promotes the focal point subconsciously and the strength control ability. Children’s anticipation ability of space will be also cultivated by hand–eye coordination activities.
Muscles control training in the hand
The training of holding objects in the hand by the coordination with five fingers promotes the development of hand muscles and the small joints adjustment.
Picture book
A picture story book is which attached to a small amount of text and image–based. The so–called ➙ book house of gold is to cultivate children's interest in reading picture books starting from childhood. With the popularity and rapid development of electronic products, it causes of children spinal dysplasia and language difficulties aggravatingly.Through educational picture books which can stimulate children's desire to express and enhance their ability to prepare a good hearing foundation to listen in their primary school career. Intelligent Education Group emphasizes the training of personnel, and the articulate is one of them.
Picture books education, in addition to guiding children the expression of listening skills, but also promote their cognitive abilities of things and moral values, and shaping the future success of good behaviour relationships. Meanwhile, with the aid of image and text to answer questions way ➙ directed thinking training, children also can develop their analysis, reasoning, imagination and observation capability.
Intelligent three language flash cards
Intelligent three language flash cards training aims to guide children to form radicals by strokes and to put radicals together into words for the purpose to enhance children’s confidence. We firmly believe that lofty towers are built from the ground. To learn chinese effectively, the mastery of basic strokes and radicals of the language is the only way.
The objectives of setting up Intelligent sensation station
➙Language retardation
➙Language barrier
➙Learning difficulties
➙Hyperactive ➙ Active
➙Concentration Difficulties ➙ The disorder of the spine will cause children to face the following situations.
Language retardation
Language retardation refers to the ability of children’s language development at a certain age is lower than the peers at the same age.
Language barrier
Language barrier is divided into understanding barrier and expression barrier. Understanding barrier is the situation that the children cannot understand the expressed meaning from others in the communication process. The expression barrier refers to the situation that the children understand others but they are unable to convey proper messages at that moment. Thus, most children with the expression barrier seem to be more restless and they like crying to ease their discomfort feeling.
Learning difficulty
Learning difficulty refers to the situation of a student’s academic performance is significantly poor than his or her peers. On the issue of children’s learning problems, Intelligent Education Group is not to emphasize the acquisition and absorption of knowledge. We focus more in the coordination of visual perception and auditory memory in vestibular messages with the maturity of hand–eye coordination.
Learning disability Funnel memory is the feature of learning disability. Most of the causes of cognitive difficulties in reading, writing and spelling are due to the developmental abnormality of central nervous system which makes the imbalanced development of the left and the right brain.
The learning problems caused by environment will be discussed exclusive of innate factors. Children in learning difficulty or learning disability have the common symptoms such as the difficulty in ➙ visual memory ➙ visual discrimination ➙ auditory memory and the sound discrimination. The physical activity and interpersonal communication of these children are normal.